she held his hand tight
as they ran through this life
afraid to let go
to wander alone
he pulled her forward
and though she wanted to linger
she forged on ahead
her hand in his hand
together they climbed
they discovered new lands
and achieved many things
all the while moving forward
with no time to linger
and then one day
she spotted a rose
glorious and red
atop a ladder of thorns
the hand pulled her forward
this time she let go
following the pull
of her soul in its stead
as she reached the rose
the sky above opened
the light from the heavens
unveiling a path
laid out just for her
and just at this moment
she discovered a force
emanating upward
from the depths of her soul
the strength she sought
she now found within
and guided by the light
she followed her path
it did not bring her
the fame and grandeur
of her previous life
and for this she was blessed
the dreams she now followed
were her own and not another’s
and so she danced through life
brightening the world
with a most fearless light